Astrological transits are one of the main means used in horoscopic astrology to forecast future trends and developments . This may have both Positive and Negative Impact on Individual's life. I can help you know the impact of such transits in your life and Suggest right solutions (written by Sages long years ago)to reduse the Negative effects and sustain Harmony and Peace in ones life.
As you sow, so shall you reap! A Rahu-Ketu transit brings home the consequences of your past actions even those in your previous lives. Rahu and Ketu are imaginary planets, and in reality they are just the two nodes of the moon. But according to the Vedas, they are deemed to be responsible for eclipses. Also, their effect on our lives is so strong that they are considered as planets in Vedic astrology. Find out how the Rahu-Ketu transit affects your life.
Astrology is the study of how the sun, moon, planets, and stars are supposedly related to life and events on the earth. It is based on the belief that the heavenly bodies form patterns that can reveal a person's character or future. Many people throughout the world believe in astrology. These people base important decisions on the advice of an astrologer (a person who tells fortunes by studying the stars).
The basic principle of astrology is that the heavenly bodies influence what happens on the earth. Astrologers learn about this influence by casting (drawing) a chart called a horoscope or birth chart. A horoscope shows the position of the planets in relation to both the earth and the stars at a certain time. In most cases, it shows the position of these bodies at the time of a person's birth. .
It is believed that the study of these Planetary positions can reveal a person's character and future.
The planets : In astrology, the moon and the sun are considered planets, along with Lagnam, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Rahu (Serpent Head), Ketu (Serpant Tail) , Saturn, and Venus. Each planet supposedly represents a force that is capable of affecting people in a certain way. Astrologers believe the planets influence a person more than do any other heavenly bodies.
The houses: Like the zodiac, the earth's surface is divided into 12 parts. Each of these parts, called houses, represents certain characteristics of an individual's life. Astrologers believe the houses determine how the planets and the signs influence a person's daily life.