Prayer is a central feature of every religion, and even non-religious people may pray as a spiritual practice or a form of meditation. People are seeking answers to life’s struggles, problems, and challenges. Most people pray for some kind of help in their life. Mind is the root cause of all Miseries. Because mind makes you think and worry on the thought that is the cause for worry.
No one knows problems or struggles in their deep Slumber. We are so peaceful in deep sleep state because there is no mind to make us think. Then where does this mind go?
Mind seems to be just like a tube light or bulb controlled by a switch that we call Self. The Self switches on and the mind starts working (First it identifies itself as the Mind and with the Mind it identifies the body and the world), switched off is what we say sleep and fused is death. Well! A fuse is a state when the connection or bridge between the source and bulb is detached. Isn't it? Does that mean that there is no power at the source? Obviously Not! When a new fuse is plugged and the wire is connected properly, the current or energy will obviously flow and the same functions would be sought.
The mind is a dynamic power that does multi functions. This Mind is a combination of energy that makes the Mind do the functions. The Self is nameless and Formless or we can say it is the Anti- Matter. Just Imagine this way.... Man has created several machines or Robots. These machines work as Men wants them to work. They have no idea as to why are they existing that way as they are because the control of the machine is the hands of Mankind who have not imparted the 6th Sense to the machines for some reasons or ignorance. But he knows how to get the work done out of those machines. Sometimes the Machines fail to work as they go obsolete with wear and tear and efflux of time or they get damaged due to some accidents or some other reasons.The machines work only when it receives energy.
Similar is with our lives in this world. We all work with the energy or power of Mind. Energy is the formula of the creator that does manifest. Every individual are machines in this world and are into some or the other actions that we call as Karma. As we sow so shall we reap. Newton's third Law of Inertia of Motion states that " every Action has an equal and opposite reaction". What works behind everything that we witness in this universe is the energy force. And the source for all that is witnessed is one and the same. This can be proved with various examples and research output.
A simple example is that what I see as a Glass or paper and perceived is perceived the same way by everyone. When I say Fire is hot it is accepted by all. As everyone share the same sensories (Creation of Mind). If every mind happened to have different sources then agreements with respect to the Matter would be like parallel lines drawn that would never meet on every event or instances. Yes then why is there a difference in the Intellect of different minds could be one of the question (a behavior of Mind). The answer is known to the self alone.
Mind assumes and presumes. The more it does the more it complicates and what we say is we get disturbed. The mind and ego are one and the same. In nutshell what my Guru has said is Mind is an accumulation of thoughts. If we get rid of thoughts we can know the source. Every action is a result of thought be it Good or Bad, Best or Worst. Again, one thought leads to another and so on endlessly. Fear is also a thought and so is joy. Again, as the mind goes on and on creating bundles and bundles of thoughts it forms layers of veils between itself and its source. The Mind comes to a state where it is clouded with only worries and emotions (bundle of thoughts). The mind loses the power to know its source and assumes itself to be Real and Eternal. A clouded mind is a fear filled mind for it fears death, an end to its existence. The Mind of such individuals has no clue of the purpose of their life and what it witnesses is nothing but Hell.
The veil between the Self or the creator and Mind can removed by turning the mind towards it by holding to certain positive attributes of mind like faith and strength. Every Manifestation is a product of energy received from the self as Raw material and then processed by the mind based on the Action be it positive or Negative.
We don’t get to see the seed of a plant but we witness its trunk, branches leaves, fruits and flowers. It is only because of the life power in it that Seed that gives shape to a tree with its richness. Similarly our life power within makes us what we are. As we cannot see the seed unless we dig the earth to know the source of the tree we have to dig within us to search from where the life is rested.
When the life or the soul detaches the body is destroyed. If Body were real should you not continue to let it stay with you as it were ones allowed? Why? Because it cannot speak or move or work. Then what was that which made it speak, move and work? Something that claimed inside the body as I AM the body is no more. But if minds were the source of reality then with the death of one person there would have been no creation left to witness this universe every must end. But that does not happen. The world has several individuals with minds turned outward witnessing the death.
This world had many great people who had turned their minds inwards and as they went closer and closer to the so called Self with an attitude (another function of mind) to realise it tore the veil and became one with it. They are all accepted as Divine. Hence the Divine is inside us. The self is Divine or God. This is the life force inside each one of us. The closer we are to it turned inward we receive the Divine's Grace. “If you seek the grace of God with your whole heart, then you may be assured that the grace of God is also seeking you".
Vedic Astrology is a work of Divine to this world for lost minds to get back the track of life and be blissful.